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Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab - CSIC - Madrid


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 ‭(Hidden)‬ State of the art instrumentation

Apart from custom-developed instruments, our laboratory is provided with state-of-the art instrumentation for measurements and analysis. These include:
1.- Corneal videokeratographer (Humphrey-Zeiss)
2.- Autorefractometer (Zeiss)
3.- IOL Master optical coherence interferometer (Zeiss)
4.- Scheimpflug imaging (Pentacam, Oculus)
5.- Non-contact confocal microscope profilometer, PLm 2300 Optical imaging profiler (Sensofar)
6.- Video Eye Tracking systems, OEM and mounted (Cambridge Research Systems)
7.- VISAGE Visual stimulus generator (Cambridge Research Systems)
8.- Dynamic autorefractor PowerRefractor II (Plusoptix)
8.- Zemax-EE Optical design program (Zemax)
9.- Dedicated server, 30 PC computers
10.- Wetlab facilities: Incubator, biological safety cabinet (class II), etc

Lab 04.    Placido Disk Topography- Scheimpflug Topography- Autorefractometer- Optical Biometry (IOL Master) Lab 02.    Psychophysical testing equipment: Video Eye Trackers & Visual Stimulus Generator (Cambridge Research Systems). Lab 02.    Dynamic autorefractor PowerRefractor II (Plusoptix) Lab 09.    Experimental cross-linking systems Lab 04.    Corneal biomechanics testing: Air Puff Tonometry (Topcon) & Corvis (Oculus) Lab 04.    3D Printer Lab 03.    Non-contact confocal microscope profilometer, PLm 2300 Optical imaging profiler (Sensofar) Lab 09.    Surgical microscope Lab 09.    Incubator, biological safety cabinet Lab 09.    Ocular surgical equipment (tools and phaco-emulsification)