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Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab - CSIC - Madrid

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Welcome to the Visual Optics and Biophotonics lab website at the Instituto de Optica, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain.  

The goal of our laboratory is the development of imaging techniques for investigation of the human visual system, and the development of new vision correction alternatives. We  have applied this technology specifically to:

      1. The understanding of the imaging mechanisms of the optical system of the eye (cornea and crystalline lens)

      2. Advance of the understanding of the biological mechanisms and early diagnosis of ocular pathologies.

      3. Evaluation and new designs of refractive and presbyopic corrections.

Susana Marcos Ph.D      

Professor of Research - CSIC      


 ‭(Hidden)‬ Announcements

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 ‭(Hidden)‬ Previous announcements

New in the lab: Daniel Cortés 
by Daniel Pascual
 21/12/2011 16:12
JAE-Doc Postdoctoral Fellows at VIOBIO 
by Susana Marcos
 08/12/2011 09:57
Madrid MIT+Vision Fellowships on Biomedical Imaging 
by Susana Marcos
 08/12/2011 09:56
Job Opportunity at VioBio: Optical system design and specification 
by Carlos Dorronsoro
 28/11/2011 10:32
MIT M+Vision Consortium announces Association of the Institute Optics and new call for Fellows 
by Daniel Pascual
 17/11/2011 17:07
(More Announcements...)

 ‭(Hidden)‬ ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Susana Marcos

The Presbyopia project proposes new alternatives to treat presbyopia, an ocular condition affecting people from 45 years of age, including multifocal corrections and accommodating intraocular lenses.
The team will study the ability of the optical and neural contributions to the performance of new corrections of presbyopia. In particular, the project addresses the eye's crystalline lens ability to change its shape to focus on near and far objects (i.e. its accommodation), with the aim of  developing bio-inspired intraocular lenses that can mimic the dynamic and continuous focusing ability of the eye.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Susana Marcos old

Presbyopia ERC project - Susana Marcos from Visual Optics and Biophotonics on Vimeo.

The Presbyopia project proposes new alternatives to treat presbyopia, an ocular condition affecting people from 45 years of age, including multifocal corrections and accommodating intraocular lenses.
The team will study the ability of the optical and neural contributions to the performance of new corrections of presbyopia. In particular, the project addresses the eye's crystalline lens ability to change its shape to focus on near and far objects (i.e. its accommodation), with the aim of  developing bio-inspired intraocular lenses that can mimic the dynamic and continuous focusing ability of the eye.


Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab
Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés"
Spanish Council for Scientific Research

C/ Serrano, 121
28006 Madrid (Spain)
Tel: +34 915 616 800 
Fax: +34 915 645 557


  Former Web Site of the Group
  Instituto de Optica
  Spanish Optical Society (Vision Sciences Committee)
  IOBA (Associated Unit)
  Spanish Visual Optics Network
  Visual Sciences PhD/Masters Program
  IOSA Student Chapter (Instituto de Optica-Optical Society of America)
  MIT Madrid M+Vision Consortium
  Marie Curie ITN OPAL Network
  MyFUN Innovative Training Network (ITN)
  IMCUSTOMEYE Project (H2020)